Nikolas Broy - 百可思
List of Publications and Conference Papers
"Buddhismus und Gewalt am Beispiel kriegerischer Mönche in China" (in German) |
"Die religiöse Praxis der Zhaijiao ('Vegetarische Sekten') in Taiwan" (in German) |
"The Phoenix Perches in the Land of the Kami. Spirit-Writing from Yiguandao to Tendō." |
"Herrschen als Weg der Götter? Bemerkungen zur Säkularität des spätkaiserzeitlichen chinesischen Staates anhand von Rechtstexten und Beamtenhandbüchern." |
"Belief in the Dao, or Knowledge of the Truth? Contested Interpretations of xin 信/ xinyang 信仰 in Yiguandao Discourses." |
"Heroic Monks and Villainous Pirates. An Inquiry Into Monastic Buddhist Warfare in Sixteenth-Century China" |
"Riben Yiguandao yanjiu chutan. Yi Dongjing diqu de Jichu Zhongshu zuxian wei li 日本一貫道研究初探:以東京地區的基礎忠恕組線為例." |
"Nodes and Hubs: An Exploration of Yiguandao Temples as 'Portals of Globalization'." |
"Das Daodejing in westlicher Übersetzung. Zwischen christlich-göttlicher Botschaft, spiritueller Weisheit und alternativkultureller Bestimmung." |
"Global Dao: The Making of Transnational Yiguandao." |
"The Filial Sectarian: Confucian Values and Popular Sects in Late Imperial China and Modern Taiwan." |
"American Dao and Global Interactions: Transnational Religious Networks in an English-Speaking Yiguandao Congregation in Urban California." |
"Maitreya's Garden in the Township: Transnational Religious Spaces of Yiguandao Activists in Urban South Africa." |
"Moral Integration or Social Segregation? Vegetarianism and Vegetarian Religious Communities in Chinese Religious Life." |
"Migrating Buddhas and Global Confucianism: The Transnational Space-Making of Taiwanese Religious Organizations." (with Jens Reinke and Philip Clart) |
"Bourdieu, Weber und Rational Choice: Versuch einer Weiterentwicklung des religiösen Feldmodells am Beispiel Chinas." |
"Modern Buddhism Without Modernity? Zhaijiao ('Vegetarian Sects') and the Hidden Genealogy of 'Humanistic Buddhism' in Late Imperial China." |
"Religion und Gesellschaft: A Summary of German Research on Religion in Chinese Society." |
"Civilization, Progress, and the ‘Foul Stench of Religion’: The Concepts of ‘Religion’ and ‘Superstition’ in the Politics of Modern East Asia." |
"Syncretic Sects and Redemptive Societies: Toward a New Understanding of 'Sectarianism' in the Study of Chinese Religions." |
"Secret Societies, Buddhist Fundamentalists, or Popular Religious Movements? Aspects of Zhaijiao in Taiwan." |
"Martial Monks in Medieval Chinese Buddhism." |
"Das dharma schützen, das Reich schützen, sich selbst schützen? Militärisch tätige buddhistische Mönche in China in den Dynastien Song und Ming" |
"WEI-PING LIN, Materializing Magic Power: Chinese Popular Religion in Villages and Cities." |
"Review: The Origins of Religious Violence." |
"Sanctity and Self-Inflicted Violence in Chinese Religions, 1500-1700." |
"Vincent Goossaert, David A. Palmer: The Religious Question in Modern China." |
"‘Vegetarian Bandits’ and ‘Duck Egg Eaters’. Salvationist Sects, Foodways, and Elite Prejudices in Late Imperial and Modern Chinese Societies." |
"Ritual Purity, Religious Salvation, and Global Environmental Awareness. Meat Avoidance and Vegetarianism from Premodern China to Present-day Taiwan." |
"Von ‚vegetarischen Banditen‘ und ‚Enteneieressern‘: Religiös motivierter Vegetarismus als Problem in staatlichen und öffentlichen Diskursen in chinesischen Gesellschaften seit der Song-Zeit (960-1279)." |
"This Numinous Light: The Notion of lingguang in Late Imperial and Contemporary Chinese Popular Sects." |
"Care of the Self or Pursuit of a Better World? Vegetarianism, Environmentalism, and Global Concerns in Contemporary Yiguandao Discourses and Practices." |
"Spiritual Poaching or Authentic Dao? Daoist-Oriented Teachings and Practices in the Global Spread of Yiguandao." |
"This Numinous Light: Concepts of the Spiritual in Late Imperial and Contemporary Chinese Popular Sects." |
"中華一貫道變成日本天道:關於「先天大道系統」宗教團體日本化的一些思考." |
"American Dao: Diasporic and Transcultural Engagements of Yiguandao in Urban California." |
"Verehrung, Etikette, Ritual: Taxonomien „religiöser“ Phänomene in der Beamtenliteratur des spätkaiserzeitlichen China." |
"Vegetarianism and the Dao: Community-Making in the Modern Chinese-Taiwanese Religious Movement Yiguandao." |
"Chinese Culture or Mainstream Society? A First Look at Acculturation Strategies in the Global Spread of Yiguandao." |
"Maitreyas globales Dorf: Mediale Darstellungen der Internationalisierung der chinesisch-taiwanischen Religionsgemeinschaft Yiguandao." |
"聯合研究中心簡介及一貫道全球化研究初步報告." |
"Belief in the Dao, or Knowledge of the Truth? Contested Interpretations of 'Believing' in Yiguandao Discourses." |
"Buddhist Words, Sectarian Acts: Buddhist Texts in the Milieu of Popular Religious Sects in Late Imperial and Modern China and Taiwan." |
"Modern Buddhism Without Modernity? The Case of Zhaijiao ('Vegetarian Sects') in Late Imperial China." |
"Bourdieu, Weber, and Religious Diversity: The Religious Field of China." |
"Zhaijiao ('Vegetarian Sects') and the Hidden Genealogy of 'Humanistic Buddhism' in Late Imperial China." |
"Religion in the History of Modern East Asia.” |
"From Sectarian Past to Buddhist Present: Ritual and Communal Change in the Dehua Hall, Tainan." |
"Secret Societies, Buddhist Fundamentalists, or Popular Religious Movements? Aspects of Zhaijiao in Taiwan." |
"Nourishing Values, Feeding Differences: (Religious) Foodways Compared" |
"Transnational Religious Spaces: Religious Organizations and their Interaction in Africa, East Asia and Beyond" |
"International SFB Workshop "Global Mission and Chinese Cultural Identity: Challenges and Prospects for the Religious Movement Yiguandao 全球傳道與中華文化認同: 一貫道國際發展的挑戰與展望" |
"The Legend of Benkei: The Enduring Imagination of the Japanese Warrior Monk." |
"Chinese Cuisine, Communal Consumption, and the Buddhist Philosophy of Fucha Ryōri." |
"Workshop Report: Transnational Religious Spaces: Religious Organizations and their Interaction in Africa, East Asia and Beyond" (with Geert Castryck) |
"Featured intervew: Dr. Nikolas Broy on Syncretic Sects and Redemptive Societies" |
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